MMA Entreprise is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of 11 February 2005.

This accessibility statement applies to the website. 



The RGAA 4.1 compliance audit carried out by Temesis revealed that :

  • 24.53% of RGAA criteria are respected.

In detail :

  • Number of compliant criteria: 13
  • Number of criteria not applicable: 53
  • Number of non-compliant criteria: 40

Content not accessible


List of non-conforming criteria : 

14.1.1 - Does each image containing information have a textual alternative?
15. 1.2 - Is every decorative image correctly ignored by assistive technologies?
16. 1.6 - Does each information-bearing image have a detailed description, if necessary?
17. 1.8 - In the absence of a replacement mechanism, every information-carrying text image should, if possible, be replaced by styled text. Is this rule respected (excluding special cases)?
18. 1.9 - If necessary, is each image caption correctly linked to the corresponding image?
19. 2.1 - Does each frame have a frame title?

20. 3.1 - On every web page, information should not be conveyed by colour alone.
Is this rule respected?

21. 3.2 - In each web page, is the contrast between the colour of the text and the colour of its background sufficiently high (excluding special cases)?
22. 3.3 - In each web page, are the colours used in the interface components or graphic elements carrying information sufficiently contrasting (excluding special cases)?
23. 4.1 - If necessary, does each pre-recorded time-based medium have a text transcription or audio description (excluding special cases)?
24. 4.5 - Does each pre-recorded time-based medium have a synchronized audio description, if necessary (excluding special cases)?
25. 4.7 - Is each time-lapse medium clearly identifiable (excluding special cases)?
26. 6.1 - Is each link explicit (excluding special cases)?
27. 6.2 - Is there a title for each link on each web page?
28. 7.1 - If necessary, is each script compatible with assistive technologies?
29. 7.3 - Can each script be controlled using the keyboard and any pointing device (except in special cases)?
30. 8.2 - For each web page, is the source code generated valid for the type of document specified (excluding special cases)?
31. 8.4 - For each web page with a default language, is the language code relevant?
32. 8.6 - For each web page with a page title, is the title relevant?
33. 8.7 - In each web page, is each language change indicated in the source code (excluding special cases)?

34. 8.9 - In each web page, tags must not be used solely for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected?
35. 9.1 - In each web page, is the information structured by the appropriate use of headings?
36. 9.2 - On each web page, is the structure of the document consistent (excluding special cases)?
37. 9.3 - Is each list correctly structured on each web page?
38. 9.4 - Is every citation correctly indicated on every web page?
39. 10.1 - Are style sheets used to control the presentation of information on the website?
40. 10.3 - Does the information on each web page remain understandable when the style sheets are deactivated?
41. 10.4 - On each web page, is the text still legible when the font size is increased to at least 200% (excluding special cases)?
42. 10.6 - In each web page, is every link whose nature is not obvious visible in relation to the surrounding text?
43. 10.7 - On each web page, is the focus visible for each element that receives focus?

44. 10.9 - In every web page, information should not be provided solely by its shape, size or position.Is this rule respected?
45. 10.11 - For each web page, can the content be presented without having to
vertical scrolling for a window with a height of 256px, or horizontal scrolling for a window with a width of 320px (excluding special cases)?
46. 12.1 - Does each set of pages have at least two different
navigation systems (excluding special cases)?
47. 12.6 - Can content grouping zones present in several web pages (header, main navigation, main content, footer and search engine zones) be reached or avoided?
48. 12.7 - Is there an avoidance or quick access link to the main content area on each web page (excluding special cases)?

49. 12.8 - On each web page, is the tab order consistent?
50. 13.3 - On every web page, is there an accessible version of every office document that can be downloaded (excluding special cases)?
51. 13.8 - Can the user control moving or flashing content on every web page?

52. 13.9 - On each web page, can the content be viewed regardless of screen orientation (portrait or landscape) (excluding special cases)?
53. 13.10 - In each web page, can the functions that can be used or made available using a complex gesture also be made available using a simple gesture (excluding special cases)?

Drawing up this declaration of accessibility
This declaration was drawn up on 09 September 2022.

Technologies used to create the web application

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript


User agents, assistive technologies and tools used to verify accessibility

The web page tests were carried out with the following combinations of web browsers and screen readers


  • NVDA 2020.4, Firefox 82
  • Jaws 19, Firefox 82
  • Voiceover, Safari, osX 10.15.7

The following tools were used during the evaluation :

  • WCAG contrast checker
  • HeadingsMap
  • Web developer
  • ARC Toolkit

Site pages checked for compliance

1. Home -
2. Contact -
3. Legal information -
4. Accessibility -
5. Who we are -
6. About us -
7. Organisation -
8. Insurance -
9. Solutions -
10. Health -
11. They're talking about us -
12. News -
13. Podcast -
14. Factsheets -


If you are unable to access any content or service, you may contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form. Contact  


This procedure should be used in the following case.
You have notified the website manager of a lack of accessibility that is preventing you from accessing content or services on the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.

  • Write a message to the Human Rights Defender (
  • Contact the Rights Defender delegate in your region (
  • Send a letter by post (free of charge, do not use a stamp) Défenseur des droits : 

Libre réponse 71120 
75342 Paris CEDEX 07