Updated on Jul 10, 2024

Discover our PRO-PME delegated professional offering

4 turnkey formulas, an à la carte formula and numerous options to meet the needs of your business customers, particularly in the Industry-Commerce-Service-Professions sector, with a focus on the Services, Non-Food Retail, Accommodation, Industry, Leisure and Culture families.

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More than 1,200 activities open to fully independent subscribers

With the PRO-PME delegated offer, MMA is pursuing a deliberate and targeted development of the Industry-Commerce-Service-Liberal Professions sector, focusing on the Services, Non-Food Retail, Accommodation, Industry, Leisure and Culture families.

For you, this means a variety of over 1,200 activities open to underwriting, with an existing market potential and a controlled quality of risk, which you can underwrite in complete autonomy via your Extranet Courtage

The detailed description of these activities is accessible from the nomenclature available on your Brokerage Extranet and updated according to MMA's underwriting policy with new activities to adapt to market developments (e.g. automated shops, operators of recharging stations, prescription and vaccination for pharmacies, etc.).

Our teams of professional underwriters are on hand to answer all your questions. Don't hesitate to contact the Professional Underwriting Manager for your region via our offices.


  • Underwriting 1200 activities
  • Packages 5 with 1 a la carte
  • Underwriting & management 80% delegated acts

5 modular packages tailored to the needs and size of each company

PRO-PME is a comprehensive, modular multi-risk insurance policy offering solid cover: it covers all the risks associated with professional activity in terms of civil liability, property damage and business interruption

It is made up of 5 insurance packages (4 turnkey and 1 ‘A la carte’) that can be adapted and customised to suit the needs and size of each company. With PRO-PME multi-risk insurance, you benefit from a robust all-in-one policy with broad guarantees to cover your customers' business.

You can also add a wide range of options (legal and tax protection, corporate officer liability, etc.) tailored to your customers' needs.

Discover the guarantees and benefits of the PRO-PME offer

Professional indemnity cover is tailored to the conditions in which each business is carried out.

The benefits of liability cover :

  • The option of adding personal liability cover for company directors and officers as an extension to each package.

With Property and Casualty cover, you can take out several Property and Casualty policies for several sites (business buildings and property covered in the event of a claim) for a single legal entity, under the same policy: up to 15 business sites and 25 offices.

Property and Casualty guarantee benefits :

  • High levels of cover: up to €170,000 depending on the current index for external improvements. Our cover limits are indexed to the FFAb index, which changes every year. The choice of this amount of cover is €70,000 or €140,000 based on the June 2016 FFB index, giving an indexed value of €175,000 and €87,500 based on the index as at 06/01/2023.
  • Business property covered for third parties for 90 days
  • Genuine replacement value compensation for equipment up to 6 years old
  • Better compensation for machinery breakdown and electrical damage, with broader cover for equipment as business property (-20 years)
  • Property damage cover adapted to new uses and collaborative practices, with the option of insurance for borrowing and lending premises or equipment between companies.


Business Interruption cover is tailored to each company's activity, and you can opt for different types of Business Interruption (e.g. Business Interruption following an accident or illness). PRO-PME insurance covers fixed costs (rent, loan repayments, salaries, social security contributions, etc.) and compensates for loss of business income in the event of a major incident causing a drop in or interruption of business. 

The benefits of Business Interruption cover :

  • Flexibility and a choice of personalised Business Interruption cover depending on the company's activity (flat-rate or actual PE or additional operating costs alone).


  • Services

    Winning over new customers and retaining their loyalty requires exemplary quality of service, expertise and responsiveness. That's why our teams are at your side to simplify your day-to-day work. How can we do this? With services that we are constantly deploying and improving to enable you to meet your customers' expectations even more effectively.

  • Covéa Group

    Our Group is a solid and dynamic financial player, the leading property and liability insurer in France through our three brands MAAF Assurances, MMA Assurances and GMF Assurances, and the 10th largest reinsurer in the world with the PartnerRe brand.

  • Our organisation

    We wish to guarantee a significant level of proximity to maintain a personalized, high-quality relationship with our partner brokers. Therefore our teams are available to respond to all your requests with the expertise and flexibility necessary for any lasting business relationship, both at a regional and central level.
    We aim to provide you with real technical and local knowledge of your business environment thanks to our organizational model.