Teissier has these words of advice for any business leader thinking about embarking on an energy/climate transition but wondering where to start: “Don’t try to go it alone. Educate yourself. Learn about best practices. It can be very rewarding and helpful to talk to experts and peers as you explore the right solutions for your firm.”
The next step is to conduct a carbon assessment, a process that may be eligible for financial assistance under government schemes (including BPI and Ademe in France). The assessment provides a starting point for the firm to think about its transition. The assessment report will give the company insights into everything that generates emissions, from computers and insurance coverage to production plants and the cars that employees commute to work in.
After that comes measuring and assembling the data. To take action, you need to know where you are starting from and understand your impact on biodiversity, water and energy consumption and waste production. It is straightforward to get started with simple indicators to measure water, energy, compressed air and more, by installing sensors, which are not a very costly outlay. Says Teissier: “Just as in the past companies introduced accounting and HR software, they now need to integrate environmental data collection. However, standard software solutions are not yet available on the market. But just think about the colossal amount of work involved in gathering data and the impact indicators that have to be provided at industrial firms with multiple facilities. These businesses will need to appoint climate transition officers. A new role played by someone with the requisite technical capabilities, these officers who will work hand in hand with CSR managers to gather data and think about the transition.”
Last but not least, to really engage and make a successful energy and climate transition, it is critical to get the workforce on board. Today’s employees expect their companies to stand up and be counted. Organising climate-focused workshops, for example, is a way to raise awareness and send the message that this is a topic that needs to involve the entire organisation.